Copyright 2008-2025 Association de Pech Contal 82330 VAREN   FRANCE

Indian Native American Navajo hallmark on silver

Indian Native American Jewelry Artists
& SouthWest Hallmarks: O

Hopi Indian Native American hallmark on silver

Welcome to my website ! Last update on this page: 2024/05 - 24

Your help, corrections and suggestions are welcome...
Feel free to contact me: Alain,
(Only with clear back & front pictures of Indian Native American jewelry attached please, I'm not a mind-reader!)

Any donation to encourage 17 years of hard work creating this free database will be greatly appreciated!

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Indian Native American & SouthWest hallmarks, letter: O

Loren Sakeva Kumoni, Hopi Native American hallmark
Loren Sakeva Kumoni, Hopi
Octavius et Irma Seowtewa Zuni mark on indian native american jewelry
Octavius & Irma Seowtewa Zuni
OE conjoined like a sun picto is Emery Ohmsatte Zuni hallmark
Emery Ohmsatte Zuni
Ola Eriacho Zuni trademark on Indian jewelry
Ola Eriacho
O Smith Oliver hallmak on Navajo jewelry
Oliver Smith
Navajo 1
Oliver Smith stilised hallmark on jewelry
Oliver Smith
Navajo 2
Ophelia Moses Navajo hallmark
Ophelia Moses
Ophie B Joe and picto Eagle mark on jewelry is Ophelia Barber and Bruce Joe Navajo Indian Native American hallmark
Ophelia Barber & Bruce Joe >>
Orlinda Natewa Zuni hallmark on Native American jewelry
Orlinda Natewa
Orville Z Tsinnie hallmark on Navajo jewelry
Orville Z. Tsinnie
Orville & Darlene Tsinnie Navajo hallmark
Orville & Darlene Tsinnie
O.A. hallmark on Navajo jewelry is the first stamp used by Oscar Alexius
Oscar Alexius
Navajo ->1975
Oscar Alexius Navajo Indian Native American hallmark
Oscar Alexius Navajo
Oscar Alexius Navajo las mark on jewelry
Oscar Alexius
Navajo 1975 ->
O. Alexius?
Oscar Betz Anglo hallmark on Southwest jewelry
Oscar Betz
OV Lee mark
OV ?  Lee
OV on rocker hallmark is Coolidge Nez Navajo silversmith
Coolidge Nez
Orville White Navajo Native American hallmark
Orville White
OD hallmark
OD ?
OF ornated mark
OF ?
Otho hallmark on sterling silver
OP mark may be Offina Pino Navajo
Offina Pino ? Navajo
OTTEN in sun symbol mark
OV and arrow hallmark on Navajo style squash blossom necklace
OV ? (squash blossom necklace)
owl mark
O LD hallmark
O/LD ?
South Western Shop marks: Shop owners may not be N.A.
Q T Company New Mexico Southwest jewelry shop
see: Q T Quoc Trading co

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Shop marks > - Fake marks > - Unidentified marks >


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* Background image freely inspired by Verden Mansfield Hopi Bolo Tie, Alde Qumyintewa Hopi Bracelet, and Navajo Jewelry !

Copyright Association de Pech Contal 82330 VAREN    FRANCE