Copyright 2008-2025 Association de Pech Contal 82330 VAREN   FRANCE

Indian Native American Navajo hallmark on silver

Indian Native American Jewelry Artists
& SouthWest Shop Hallmarks: G

Hopi Indian Native American hallmark on silver

Welcome to my website ! Last update on this page: 2024/06 - 22

Your help, corrections and suggestions are welcome...
Feel free to contact me: Alain,
(Only with clear back & front pictures of Indian Native American jewelry attached please, I'm not a mind-reader!)

Any donation to encourage 17 years of hard work creating this free database will be greatly appreciated!

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Indian Native American Jewelry & Southwest hallmarks, letter: G

G + arrow Leonard Gene Navajo Indian Native jewelry mark
Leonard Gene
G with right pointing arrow is Geronimo shop or retail mark
Geronimo retail shop trademark
Fransisco Gomez jewelry mark
Francisco Gomez
Garrison Boyd, Navajo Indian Native jewelry mark
Garrison Boyd
Grace Smith, Navajo Indian Native jewelry mark
Grace Smith
G hallmark on jewelry is GiddyUpCowgirl Michelle Rodriquez Central American artist
Michelle Rodriquez
G above an arrow head mark on jewelry is Andrew Gordon Navajo
Andrew Gordon
G Dobbs, Navajo Indian Native jewelry mark
Gilbert Damon
Ga -> Gg
GA Gilbert Adakay Navajo mark
Gilbert Adakai
Glen Adakai mark
Glen Adakai
GA under a bow may be Glen Adakay Navajo hallmark
Glen Adakay
Navajo 2
Gabby and owling wolf hallmark is Gabriel Jurado Mexican silversmith mark
Gabriel Jurado
Mexican 1
Gabby hallmark is Gabriel Jurado Mexican silversmith
Gabriel Jurado
Mexican 2
G. Adeki hallmark
Gilbert Adeky
Gallup shop mark?
shop mark
Ganado and broken arrow hallmark for Archie Ganadonegro Navajo
Archie Ganadonegro
Garrett et Serena Banteah zuni silversmiths hallmark
Garrett & Serena Banteah
Gary G. Hispanic silversmith hallmark on SouthWest jewelry
Gary G.
Begay (Bee-Gay) Navajo Indian Native jewelry mark
BeGay ?
George Begay Navajo Indian Native jewelry mark
George Begay
Navajo 1
George Begay Navajo Hallmark on silver southwest jewelry
George Begay
Navajo 2
GB hallmark on Indian jewelry for Garrison Boyd Navajo Indian Native american silversmith
Garrison Boyd
Gilermo et Bernice Natachu Zuni hallmark on indian jewelry
Gilermo & Bernice Natachu
G.BRN. mark on Indian Native jewelry is Gilbert Brown Navajo hallmark
Gilbert Brown
G Chee Navajo hallmark on Indian jewelry
G. ? Chee
GE trade mark is the Golden Eagle Trading Company, Albuquerque, showroom West of Santa Fe
Golden Eagle Trading Company
Gary Edwards Navajo µIndian native american mark on jewelry
Gary Edwards
Geneva apachito indian native american hallmark on sterling silver jewelry
Geneva Apachito
Geraldine Gchachu Zuni hallmark on sterling silve indian jewelry
Geraldine Gchachu
Geraldine Yazzie Navajo hallmark on Indian Jewelry
Geraldine Yazzie
Navajo 1 (GY)
GERONIMO shop or retail trademark on southwest jewelry
Geronimo shop retail trademark
Gertie Ganadonegro Navajo Indian Native jewelry mark
Gertie Ganadonegro
GGJ and half sun picto mark for Gary Johnson Navajo silversmith
Gary Johnson
Gh -> Gi
G Hale, Garrett Hale Navajo Mark on Indian Native American jewelry
Garrett Hale
Gary Henry hallmark
Gary Henry
G. Henry Navajo script hallmark
G (Gary?) Henry
Gh stilised mark on jewellery is George Hayden Anglo silversmith
George Hayden
George Henry Navajo Indian Native jewelry mark
George Henry
GHC chisel mark for Gordon Honyestewa Hopi Indian Native jewelry mark
Hopi Gordon Honyestewa
GH mark on overlay jewelry for Gordon Honyestewa Hopi silversmith
Gordon Honyestewa 2
GH Guy Hoskie, Navajo Indian Native jewelry mark
Guy Hoskie
J Howe navajo Indian native mark on jewelry
G.? Howe
Gibb Montano Gibbson, Navajo Indian Native jewelry mark
Montano Gibbson
Gilbert Begay Navajo Indian Native jewelry mark
Gilbert Begay
Gilbert Nelson, Navajo Indian Native jewelry mark
Gilbert Nelson
Gilbert Secatero and Teepee hallmark on NAKAI Navajo jewelry
Gilbert Secatero
Gilbert Tom Indian Native jewelry mark
Gilbert Tom
Gilson Smith Indian Native jewelry mark
Gilson Smith
Gj -> Gk
G James mark on jewelry is Geraldine James
Geraldine James
G James hallmark on jewelry for Geraldine James Navajo
Geraldine James
Navajo 2
Genevieve Jones navajo mark
Genevieve Jones
George Jones hallmark
George Jones
GJ Guy Josytewa, Hopi Indian Native jewelry mark
Guy Josytewa
G Kelly Navajo script mark
G? Kelly
GKJL mark on Indian Native American jewelry is Glenn Livingston Navajo
Glenn Livingston
George Kee Navajo hallmark on native indian southwest jewelry
George Kee
Navajo 1
GK and hogan other mark for George Kee Navajo
George Kee
Navajo 2
(& white Hogan)
Gl -> Gp
G and 2 dragonflies pictos mark is Samuel "Greatwalk" Lafountain
Samuel Greatwalker Lafountain
GL mark on jewelry is Gilbert Lee
Gilbert Lee
GL LEEKITY mark on Indian jewelry for George & Lupeta Leekity Zuni
George & Lupeta Leekity
GL Glen Lucas Hopi silversmith hallmark
Glen Lucas
Gloria Begay Navajo hallmark on Indian Native American jewelry
Gloria Begay
Gilbert et Mildred Calavaza Zuni mark on silver Indian jewelry
Gilbert & Mildred Calavaza 1
Gilbert Calavaza Zuni Indian Native jewelry mark
Gilber & Mildred Calavaza
Zuni 2
GM Gerald Mitchell Navajo indian native american hallmark on sterling silver jewelry
Gerald Mitchell
G. Montano hallmark is Gibson Montano Navajo jeweler
Gibson Montano
GNH George Nusie Henry silversmith hallmark
George & Nusie Henry
GN mark
Greg Naseyouma
Gary Nez, Navajo Indian Native jewelry mark
Gary Nez
Gomeo mark on jewelry is Gomeo Bobelu Zuni artist
Gomeo Bobelu
Zuni 1
Gomeo Bobelu handscript hallmark on Zuni jewelry
Gomeo Bobelu
Zuni 2
Gomeo Zuni mark on Indian Native American jewelry is Gomeo Bobelu zuni.
Gomeo Bobelu
Zuni 3
D Gordon, Navajo Indian Native jewelry mark
Delbert Gordon
G. PETE hallmark
Garrison Platero Indian Native jewelry mark
Garrison Platero
G.P. mark on sterling silver jewelry is Gilbert Pino Navajo silversmith
Gilbert Pino
GP hallmark on Indian jewelry is Gilbert Platero Navajo
Gilbert Platero
GP LAG ZUNI mark for Glenn Paquin
Glenn Paquin
Laguna Zuni 1
Glenn Paquin, Zuni Indian Native jewelry mark
Glenn Paquin
Laguna Zuni 2
Greg Pat, Navajo Indian Native jewelry mark
Greg Pat
GP + broken arrow Georges Phillips, Hopi Indian Native jewelry mark
George Phillips
Hopi 1
George Phillips Hopi
George Phillips
Kyashvenaya 2
Gr -> Gz
D Ramone Navajo mark
Geneva Ramone
G Ramone Geneva hallmark on jewelry
Geneva Ramone
Gary Reeves Indian Native jewelry mark
Gary Reeves
Navajo 1
Gary Reeves mark 2
Gary Reeves
Navajo 2
Gregory Segura Hispanic,  Santa Fe
Gregory Segura
Robert Gress Crow tribe Indian Native American mark
Robert Gress
Griffin Evangeline Tsabetsaye zuni script hallmark on indian american jewelry
Griffin Evangeline Tsabetsaye
GSB mark on jewelry is Garrett and Serena Banteah Zuni
Garrett & Serena Banteah
Gary Spencer, Navajo Indian Native jewelry mark
Gary Spencer
GS Glenn et Irene Sandoval Indian Native jewelry mark
Glenn & Irene Sandoval
GTSS mark on jewelry is Greg smith from Taos Pueblo hallmark
Greg Smith
Taos Pueblo
G.T. hallmark on silver is Grace Touchine Navajo
Grace Touchine
GT conjoined over a V hallmark is Griffin Tsabetsaye Zuni
Griffin Tsabetsaye
GT mark for Gilbert Andress Tyma Hopi
Gilbert Andress Tyma
G.T.Y. and flower hallmark on jewelry is Gabrielle Yazzie Navajo
Gabrielle Yazzie
G Vacit Zuni hallmark on jewelry is Gary and Paulinis Vacit Zuni artists signature
Gary & Paulinis Vacit
GUS and bent arrow hallmark on jewelry is Gus Keene Sr Navajo indian native american
Gus Keene Sr
Gloria Waseta Zuni hallmark
Gloria Waseta
Genieve Werito Indian Native jewelry mark
Genieve Werito
GW hallmark on jewelry for Geraldita Whitehorn Navajo
Geraldita Whitehorn
GW Glen Willie Navajo Indian Native jewelry mark
Glen Willie
G. YAZZIE hallmark
G ? Yazzie
G. YAZZIE handscript hallmark
G ? Yazzie
GY signature is Geraldine Yazzie Navajo hallmark
Geraldine Yazzie
Navajo 2
GY upside down and Navajo hallmark on Indian Native american jewelry is Geraldine Yazzie
Geraldine Yazzie
Navajo 3
GY EY hallmark is Gary et Elsie Yoyokie Hopi Indian Native jewelry mark
Gary & Elsie
Yoyokie Hopi
GY hallmark on jewelry is Gary Yoyokie, Hopi Indian Native American silversmith
Gary Yoyokie
Gibson Nez Navajo Indian Native jewelry mark
Gibson Nez
Navajo 1
GZN mark on jewelry for Gibson Nez Navajo silversmith
Gibson Nez
Navajo 2
Your help will be appreciated to name the following hallmarks:
Unidentified marks may be fake marks or not Native American
G under broken arrow mark
G 1a ?
G + broken arrow Indian Native jewelry mark
G 1b?
g crossed arrows mark
G 2 ?
G + feather Hallmark Navajo Indian Native jewelry mark
G 3 ?
G mark
G 4 ?
G over picto mark
G 5 ?
G inside blason hallmark
G 6 ?
G arrow mark
G 7 ?
GAB mark
B & AB hallmark on squash blossom necklace with small turquoises
G & AB ?
G/BW mark
G/BW ?
W/BG mark
GF Indian Native jewelry mark
GF ?
G.H. hallmark
G.H 1?
GH symbol mark
GH 2 ?
GH inside a horse shoe hallmark
GH 3 ?
GHF conjoined mark
GJ mark
GJ 1 ?
GJ mark
GJ 2 ?
GK conjoined mark
GK ?
gr mark on silver
GR ?
GS and arrow hallmark
GS arrow ?
GS mark inside teepee
GS teepee ?
Ginger Trujillo ?
GW above arrow and leaf
G.W. ?
GW and feather and arrow
G.W. ?
GWZ mark
Gloria Waseta ?
Zuni script mark
G-- ? Zuni
Unidentified marks may be fake marks or not Native American

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* Background image freely inspired by Verden Mansfield Hopi Bolo Tie, Alde Qumyintewa Hopi Bracelet, and Navajo Jewelry !

Copyright Association de Pech Contal 82330 VAREN    FRANCE