Copyright 2008-2025 Association de Pech Contal 82330 VAREN   FRANCE

Indian Native American Navajo hallmark on silver

Indian Native American Jewelry Artists
& SouthWest Shop Hallmarks: I

Hopi Indian Native American hallmark on silver

Welcome to my website ! Last update on this page: 2024/05 - 04

Your help, corrections and suggestions are welcome...
Feel free to contact me: Alain,
(Only with clear back & front pictures of Indian Native American jewelry attached please, I'm not a mind-reader!)

Any donation to encourage 17 years of hard work creating this free database will be greatly appreciated!

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z -
Hopi picto marks > - Native American & Southwest picto marks >
Shop marks > - Fake marks > - Unidentified picto marks >

Indian Native American marks & SouthWest hallmarks, letter: I

I mark
read JC
(Jared Chavez)
IC conjoined mark may be Irvin Chee hallmark on sterling silver southwest jewelry
Irvin Chee ?
IC Handwrought mark is Irene Chiquito Navajo
Irene Chiquito
IC and symbol copyrighted hallmark is Carl and Irene Clark Navajo
Irene & Carl Clark
IC may be Ida Chester Indian Native jewelry mark
Ida Chester or
Irene Chiquito ?
ID under Bear Skull mark on Indian jewelry is Israel Delgadillo
Israel Delgadillo
IH generic Indian hand made mark
Indian Handmade generic mark
IH Coin Silver is Indian Handcrafts shop trademark
Indian Handcrafts shop trademark
IH looks like HH is Ivan Howard Navajo Indian Native American hallmark
Ivan Howard Navajo 1
Ivan Howard Navajo handscript hallmark on Indian Native American jewelry
Ivan Howard Navajo 2
IK is Ivan Kee Navajo Indian Native jewelry mark
Ivan & Inez Kee
IP is Irene Platero, Navajo Indian Native jewelry mark
Irene Platero
Irene Tsosie Navajo hallmark on Indian Native American jewelry
Irene Tsosie
Irv hallmark is Irv Monte Navajo mark on jewelry
Irv Monte
Isaiah Ortiz hallmark on Indian Native American jewelry
Isaiah Ortiz
San Felipe
IS is Irene Simplicio Zuni Indian Native American mark on jewelry
Irene Simplicio
Iva Booqua Zuni script hallmark on Indian Native American jewelry
Iva Booqua
Ivan Tsethlikai, Zuni Indian Native jewelry mark
Ivan Tsethlikai
I Yazzie mark on Indian jewelry is Irene Yazzie Navajo working for Atkinson Co.
Irene Yazzie
Navajo + shop
Your help will be appreciated to name the following hallmarks:
Unidentified marks may be fake marks or not Native American
ICY mark on claw, turquoise and coral ring
ID chiseled hallmark
ID ?
ig mark
IG ?
IH hallmark
IH ? HH ?
IL mark
IL ? TL ?
IM mark
IM ?
I Indian Native jewelry mark
I, IO  ?

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Hopi picto marks > - Native American & Southwest picto marks >
Shop marks > - Fake marks > - Unidentified picto marks >


Thank you for visiting us & for your help!





* Background image freely inspired by Verden Mansfield Hopi Bolo Tie, Alde Qumyintewa Hopi Bracelet, and Navajo Jewelry !

Copyright   Association de Pech Contal 82330 VAREN    FRANCE