Copyright 2008-2025 Association de Pech Contal 82330 VAREN   FRANCE

Indian Native American Navajo hallmark on silver

Indian Native American Jewelry Artists
Hallmarks & SouthWest Shop Trademarks

Hopi Indian Native American hallmark on silver


Welcome to my website !  4000 hallmarks pictured at this date: 2021-03-1

Your help, corrections and suggestions will be greatly appreciated
Feel free to contact me: Alain,
(Only with clear back & front pictures of Indian Native American jewelry attached please, I'm not a mind-reader!)


Hallmarks are arranged in alphabetical order of the first letter:

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z -

Picto marks are arranged in alphabetical order of the artist's name:

Hopi picto marks > - Native American & Southwest picto marks >
- Fake marks > - Unidentified picto marks >

~ Southwestern Shop marks > ~


Hallmarks of the Southwest. A Schiffer book for collectors, Barton Wright 2nd edition.
Hallmarks of the Southwest
(Barton Wright, 2nd and 4th edition)
The History and Hallmarks of Hopi silversmithing, Margaret Nickelson Wright, revised edition.
Hopi Silver
The history and hallmarks of Hopi Silversmithing
(Margaret Nickelson Wright)
American Indian Jewelry 1,Gregory Schaaf and Angie Yan Schaaf
American Indian Jewelry I & II
Gregory Schaaf & Angie Yan Schaaf

Some artists biographies here:

Merci... Thanks for your help!



* Background image freely inspired by Verden Mansfield Hopi Bolo Tie, Alde Qumyintewa Hopi Bracelet, and Navajo Jewelry !


Copyright  Association de Pech Contal 82330 VAREN    FRANCE